CouchbaseViewQuery.class.php 47

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CouchbaseViewQuery
error 72 No summary for class \_CouchbaseDefaultViewQuery
error 156 No summary for class \_CouchbaseSpatialViewQuery
error 14 No summary for method __construct()
error 17 Argument $ddoc is missing from the Docblock of from()
error 17 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of from()
error 17 No summary for method from()
error 24 Argument $ddoc is missing from the Docblock of fromSpatial()
error 24 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of fromSpatial()
error 24 No summary for method fromSpatial()
error 31 Argument $stale is missing from the Docblock of stale()
error 31 No summary for method stale()
error 44 Argument $skip is missing from the Docblock of skip()
error 44 No summary for method skip()
error 49 Argument $limit is missing from the Docblock of limit()
error 49 No summary for method limit()
error 54 Argument $opts is missing from the Docblock of custom()
error 54 No summary for method custom()
error 61 Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of _toString()
error 61 No summary for method _toString()
error 3 No summary for property $ddoc
error 4 No summary for property $name
error 5 No summary for property $options
error 73 No summary for method __construct()
error 76 Argument $order is missing from the Docblock of order()
error 76 No summary for method order()
error 87 Argument $reduce is missing from the Docblock of reduce()
error 87 No summary for method reduce()
error 96 Argument $group_level is missing from the Docblock of group()
error 96 No summary for method group()
error 107 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of key()
error 107 No summary for method key()
error 112 Argument $keys is missing from the Docblock of keys()
error 112 No summary for method keys()
error 118 Argument $start is missing from the Docblock of range()
error 118 Argument $end is missing from the Docblock of range()
error 118 Argument $inclusive_end is missing from the Docblock of range()
error 118 No summary for method range()
error 135 Argument $start is missing from the Docblock of id_range()
error 135 Argument $end is missing from the Docblock of id_range()
error 135 No summary for method id_range()
error 151 No summary for method toString()
error 157 No summary for method __construct()
error 160 Argument $bbox is missing from the Docblock of bbox()
error 160 No summary for method bbox()
error 165 No summary for method toString()

stub.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

CouchbaseCluster.class.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

CouchbaseN1qlQuery.class.php 6

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CouchbaseN1qlQuery
error 5 Argument $str is missing from the Docblock of fromString()
error 5 No summary for method fromString()
error 11 No summary for method toString()
error 3 No summary for property $querystr

CouchbaseBucket.class.php 3

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 244 Argument $dmlstring is missing from the Docblock of _query()
error 244 No summary for method _query()

constants.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

CouchbaseClusterManager.class.php 2

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CouchbaseClusterManager

CouchbaseBucketManager.class.php 2

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 No summary for class \CouchbaseBucketManager

connstr.php 13

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 2 Argument $dsnObj is missing from the Docblock of \_cbdsn_normalize()
error 2 No summary for function \_cbdsn_normalize()
error 49 Argument $dsn is missing from the Docblock of \cbdsn_normalize()
error 49 No summary for function \cbdsn_normalize()
error 60 Argument $dsn is missing from the Docblock of \_cbdsn_parse()
error 60 No summary for function \_cbdsn_parse()
error 96 Argument $dsn is missing from the Docblock of \cbdsn_parse()
error 96 No summary for function \cbdsn_parse()
error 100 Argument $dsnObj is missing from the Docblock of \_cbdsn_stringify()
error 100 No summary for function \_cbdsn_stringify()
error 136 Argument $dsnObj is missing from the Docblock of \cbdsn_stringify()
error 136 No summary for function \cbdsn_stringify()